Tag  |  gratitude

giving thanks

During winter in my part of the world, we don’t often get warm, sunny days. God blessed us with one of those days earlier this season. As I left the office to go home, a man said, “What a wonderful day we’re having. This is a gift from God.” I replied, “Yeah, but there’s going to be a major snowstorm…

the power of gratitude

Recent studies have shown that practicing gratitude leads to a healthier, more fulfilling, others-centered life. People who focus on what they are thankful for (versus those who dwell on hassles and frustrations) are in a better place than those who don’t. They are less likely to get sick and are more active, hopeful, and thoughtful of other people.

God desires…

grace and gratitude

Martin Luther wanted to quit. His congregation in Wittenberg, having learned that Luther's gospel promised forgiveness for any and all sin, had stopped attending services and giving to the ministry and had started indulging in greed, lust, and booze. A frustrated Luther threatened to go on strike if they didn't change their ways. He declared, "You absolutely unthankful beasts, unworthy…

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